Privacy: new identity models for the OnLife dimension
Recent controversies and scandals related to the abuse of our data have made us regret having sacrificed anonymity to access services and surf free on the Internet. New technologies will help us to...
Mental health, so artificial intelligence can help patients and the health sy...
According to the latest estimates, one in six people in Europe suffered from mental problems in 2016, for a total of 84 million people. The recent "Health at a Glance 2018" report highlighte...
Blockchain for the healthcare sector: use cases and future trends
The article provides an outline of the many cases of use of blockchain technology in the health sector that will lead to significant innovations for the benefit of operators, industry and patients....
Sanità e digitalizzazione. Quale futuro ci aspetta?
In this video (Future perspectives in health digitalisation – in Italian), Thairis’ CEO Mirko De Maldè was interviewed by Prof Musumeci – Professor of Business information systems - within an initi...
Come proteggere i nostri dati sanitari? Con la blockchain
In this brief interview (in Italian), Mirko De Maldè - CEO @Thairis, explains how distributed ledger technologies can enable new models of patient-centric healthcare services, while also allowing ...
Healthcare workshop @ EU Blockchain Observatory and Forum
In this video, Mirko De Maldè – CEO @Thairis, - takes part to the workshop organised by the EU blockchain observatory and forum, focusing on the role of blockchain and DLTs in the innovation of hea...
La Blockchain renderà più sicuri i dati sanitari?
La medicina è sempre di più una disciplina data driven. Un vantaggio sotto tanti profili, a cominciare da quello diagnostico. Ma anche un rischio. Meglio, tanti. “Abbiamo un problema di accessibili...
Value of blockchain in healthcare
In this brief interview, Mirko De Maldè – CEO @ Thairis, provides an overview of the potential of blockchain in the healthcare domain – following a full day workshop on the topic organised within t...